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favorites of mine

Take a look at three galleries covering my fine art photography. Love those islands …

Island Dreams

18 medium format (film!) photographs of gorgeous tropical islands from around the world. This imagery was captured using my Hasselblad and Fuji cameras with Fuji Velvia film. These photographs have been printed up to 90 inches in length and would still look great at wall size!

Black & White

12 representative photographs capturing my favorite subject matter in luscious black & white. Each image used black & white film of different properties to capture my vision. Texture and feel are heavily influenced by film speed and infrared capabilities, allowing me to create several separate collections.


These are 12 of the notecards I used to sell at Art & Wine Shows throughout California. I no longer do the shows, but I’m forever thankful to all the good people I met there and for those customers gracious and kind enough to bring my photography into their own life. I am honored!